Anxiety Attack

Anxiety Check

Exhausted from all the job-related tasks that you have to deal with everyday? Have the papers piled up so high that you can no longer see the person next to you? Do you now see your job as a drag? Just maybe, you may no longer be enjoying your work. You are now bored and somehow expect to be in the middle of a work performance catastrophe. In the back of your mind, you already know that your poor performance may lead you back to the unemployment line.

Stress and anxiety brought by everyday challenges at work can affect a person’s interest and skills in the office. Even if most people are aware of how much competition there is out in the market where only the best lands a job, the stress and anxiety can really take a toll on even the most promising professional. Stress and anxiety, no matter how one tries to avert it, is like a hovering vulture that persistently waits to feast on a “dead-tired” person.

But nobody in his right mind would just give up. Even those who say they already hate their job try to revive all the passion they once had for their job or the company. So instead of just waiting to get axed, why don’t you try and consider the following tips on how to get back your drive for work:

Check on your ego. This is the first thing that you must look into as you go along your self-check routine because one’s ego is the hardest thing to overcome. Aside from stress and anxiety at by work, being egocentric brings unnecessary worries and apprehensions. It is but natural to hear unsolicited comments or advice from some colleagues and superiors. While some comments may be harmful and unfounded, a little criticism taken in a positive way can actually help improve your performance.

Check on what you know. Updating one’s knowledge is very essential to improving one’s craft. Competition in the workplace leaves no room for mediocrity. Those who do not try to improve themselves are actually more prone to stress and anxiety. Jealousy, intrigue, and unfair competition can hurt not only the employees but the company as well. A worker that strives to improve his performance will have lesser things to worry about since he lets his work and outputs do the talking.

Managing stress and anxiety in the office can be done through many ways. It is the same way with improving one’s work performance. Getting ahead does not always mean being in a frenzy. Improving one’s work and reducing anxiety may actually entail the act of “slowing down.” This is best illustrated in the story of a young woodcutter who tried to impress his boss by always hitting trees in full force every time he swung his axe. On his first day on the job, the young woodcutter fell the most number of trees. He was trying to show his commitment to the job by never taking breaks. He just kept swinging at the trees with his axe. But after the third day, the Chief Woodcutter approached the young apprentice and asked, “How come you now cut less number of trees as you did during the first two days? Even if you did not take breaks, you still finished at the bottom in our team of woodcutters.”

Finally, the Chief Woodcutter asked the young lad, “Did you sharpen your axe?”

Find out more about getting support for anxiety and depression.


From a religious stand-point, Jesus once asked his 12 disciples: “Which of you by worrying can add a single strand of hair to your head?” Now, you may be of a religious background or maybe not, but, think about that statement and you’d see why worrying, a main symptom of anxiety depression is quite unnecessary.

Reduced to its simplest form, what is worry? It is simply an unhealthy and destructive mental habit that- believe it or not folks-you were not born with but simply acquired out of practice. The good news is, with aggressive actions, as with any habit and acquired attitude; we can be worry free and eliminate it from our lives successfully.

In the words of Dr. Smiley Blanton, a noted Psychiatrist: “Anxiety depression is the great modern plague.” Other psychologists go on to say ‘worry’ a noted symptom of any form of depression, is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases. When we worry excessively, we disintegrate our inner workings as humans and really put a lot of things out of order. Needless to say avoiding worry as a step of treating depression and anxiety will be the first step for our own benefit.

Anxiety Depression: Steps to take to be Worry Free:

The following steps should be used to deal with anxiety depression and its main symptom, worry. When used wisely and effectively, you will inevitably be successful at these natural depression help techniques.

  1. Practice Mind-drainage: Empty your mind of pessimistic and negative thoughts, especially before going to and after waking up from sleep. This involves some degree of imagination friends. (the same imagination-mind you-that you are actually using to aggravate your present situations…didn’t realize that eh?). This mind-draining strategy cannot be overemphasized as I will let you know, if you fear something for a long period of time, it may actually come to pass. “For the thing which I feared has come upon me…” (Job 3:25)
  2. Fill up the mind with powerful thoughts of faith and success to fill up the vacuum now left in the mind. You become a worrier by practicing it, you can be worry-free by practicing the opposite.
  3. Say positive things about those things you previously spoke negatively of.
  4. Never participate in a worry conversation. Induce your conversation with faith and worry-free statements.
  5. Make friends with optimistic people, practice prayer and meditation.
  6. Exercise and eat right. You’ll be making yourself look and feel better and consequently stronger through the process for overcoming depression, anxiety and becoming worry free.

No one is saying things will be automatically changed overnight. No, it takes work. However with direct and equally aggressive actions as the destructive worry habits one may be indulging in, anxiety depression can be overcome and you too can be worry free if you believe in your mind you can.


Reflexes go awry, bodily reactions prove to be dysfunctional, and behavior patterns seems meandering – a blend of these unusual occurrences and, by no doubt, you’re having anxiety attacks. Anxiety is characterized to be continuous – and often times poignant – fears and worries that tends to interfere with normal human behavior or activities. Anxiety, as proven medically, though may seem to be inconsequential, may cause severe problems like alcoholism and low self-esteem. These complications, as studies prove, may lead to lethal consequences.

Though anxiety, or its possible repercussions, may pose to be lethal, studies show it’s curable in nature and responds to treatment well. Medical breakthroughs and scientific researches offers a wide array of answers that ranges from anxiety treatment to coping with anxiety.

Anxiety treatments can be done through medications such as anti-anxiety drug, anti-depressants, and beta-blockers. Anti-anxiety drugs are prescribed for brief relief against anxiety attacks and it is also used to hamper anxiety’s severe effects. Anti-depressants give the brain a boost to let it combat mind-paralyzing effect of anxiety. Beta-blockers, which are fondly used by performers to deal with stage fright and “weak” knees, are good combatants against physical symptoms of anxiety.

These may seem to be the positive contribution of anxiety treatments through medications but medical people wary in too much dependence on it. Anxiety medications can promote drug dependence and, with this, incalculable possible adverse effects are not had to imagine. They also advise people to take precaution by consulting their regular physician or family doctor.

What’s the real story?

Herbal medication alternatives and other natural forms of anxiety-curing regimen are also encouraged as forms of anxiety treatment. CBT or Cognitive Brain Therapy is one of the leading anxiety treatments. If a person is suffering from anxiety problems, CBT will help that individual to identify and overcome the traumatic experiences and notions that inhibits the individual from working through his fears. Constant exposure with this therapy would help you acquire certain skills that will strengthen your sense of emotional equilibrium and thus, you gain control over of your anxiety dilemma.

Coping with anxiety, however, is not that easy as it sounds. The tricky part here is that you must allow yourself to get ahead of the dilemma when in fact you did not manage to circumvent it. With this, medical professionals enjoin individuals to earnestly seek and religiously abide by a doctor’s advice. The practical and medical based pieces of advice will help an individual navigate properly the in’s and out’s of anxiety dilemma.

They also encourage those relatives of those who are coping with anxiety to offer relentless support and multitudinous amount of patience understanding that this state of recovery is vital for them. Extending extra care and effort just to let them know that they are not alone in this battle. This is very important to know because one major manifestation of anxiety is seclusion.

Coping with anxiety, also, as said by doctors, has no “sure fire” formula. It takes careful planning and constant follow-up to be able to really give the best support and care for people coping with anxiety.

With this, let us put in our minds that, anxiety can be treated and it does respond accordingly to treatments. No matter how critical problem may be, just say, “Anxiety? no need to worry.”


Women and babies have been interrelated since the very beginning. It is a natural phenomenon and there is nothing unusual about it. All young women want to bear a child or in other words become a mother. These days even for a career woman the desire to give birth to a child and become a mother is bound to catch up and no other joy can ever replace the joy of becoming a mother in the hustle bustle of everyday life. There are several expectant mothers who suffer from severe stress and emotional turmoil and now the question arises that can pregnancy and the anxiety related to becoming a mother can bring her joy and contentment, equally?

The answer to this question varies from woman to woman. A part of the past life of the expecting mother is always to be brought to light especially when she is going to give birth to a new life.

What things might make it more stressful?

During pregnancy, a woman spends most of her time thinking and being drowned in her thoughts most of the times. The common thoughts during this time are will her new born be normal? will she fail as a mother? Will her baby have to go through the same problems as she had to go in her adolescence? etc etc.This is quite expected as this is a preparatory stage for the mother to love the baby who is growing inside her womb and also her body is preparing to adapt to the changes to meet the demand of the new life which is growing inside of her.

It is seen in most cases that the anxiety during pregnancy triggers stress in the woman. The other factors that might lead to rigorous stress during pregnancy are:

  • ·A current miscarriage: This shakes the woman’s confidence and the woman tends to wonder whether she will ever experience the joy of becoming a mother and see her baby cry for the first time.
  • ·A uncertain income during the pregnancy
  • ·An inconsistent relationship with the baby’s father
  • ·No emotional and moral support
  • ·Unexpected and unwanted pregnancy that might mess up other plans of life.

It is very essential to be mentally stable during pregnancy and settle all the worries and doubts with her close friends, family members and doctors. It is not impossible to deal with anxiety and pregnancy. Like other crisis of life, pregnancy and anxiety can be very easily dealt with. The pregnant woman is the right person to determine what is best for her baby. No matter what all expecting mothers want to emerge as the best mother and would always want to do the best for the welfare of her child.

However, note that anxiety and pregnancy do not bear good results for the child. Several studies reveal the fact that if the mother is stressful and over anxious during her pregnancy then her baby is bound to develop stressful behavior later in life. Between the 12th and 23rd weeks the baby in the mother’s womb is mostly likely to be affected by its mother’s stress and anxiety.

What good can come out of it?

Other than harboring some negative thoughts the expecting mother makes preparations to deal with anxiety and pregnancy. Several bodily changes take place during pregnancy.

One of the major concerns during this time is that whether their anxiety disorders will affect the unborn and worsen the pregnancy conditions and also after the baby is born whether they will be able to take care of the baby properly or not. Obviously, a great concern is whether or not the symptoms of their anxiety disorder will worsen during the pregnancy, and if they will be able to care for the baby after it is born. Whether intake of different medicines will affect the baby or not is also a cause of concern. All these thoughts however can elevate the levels of stress in the expecting mother.

The following facts can offer some hope for anxiety and pregnancy:

  • ·During the pregnancy period and breast feeding period the medicines for anxiety disorders are quite safe for the baby.
  • · About 40% of women experience a precise decrease of the anxiety pattern during pregnancy. However during postpartum the set of anxiety symptoms may return.
  • ·The intake of medicines for anxiety disorders by the expecting mother can actually help in preventing the development of anxiety disorders in the baby later in life. If the mother’s symptoms are not treated properly then however it may result in lower birth weight of the baby.

What can be done during pregnancy to deal with anxiety?

About 10% of women develop anxiety symptoms during pregnancy. Following the steps below will definitely help them to deal with the situation in a better way.

  • ·Seek advice from your doctor about your plans to either become pregnant, or that you already are. The doctor’s instructions and medications will help you to deal with your anxiety and pregnancy strategically.
  • ·Bond with your partner in a more strong and intimate way. This would ensure support and love which would help in dealing with the situations in a better way.
  • ·Relax. Pursue hobbies according to your liking. Talk to your friends, go for walks, practice gardening. All these activities will divert you mind and keep your stress under control.
  • ·Open up to your husband or partner and close friends and discuss your causes of stress. This will definitely help.

Get more information on anxiety and pregnancy here


Anxiety attacks are normal body reactions – coping mechanisms – against different stressors and distressing predicaments. In other words, these are chemical, physical and emotional reactions that are elicit by fear, apprehension, or shock. These reactions also cause a “fight or flight” response. Based on scientific studies, people automatically react to stress or stress-inducing activities by either making a confrontational stance or making a decision to avoid the stress.

Pressure can come from an emotional problem in a relationship at home, demanding tasks and deadlines at the office, the dread of a forthcoming test, or the clamor for a game-winning performance in a championship game. All these can product constant anguish and even anxiety attacks if a person is not able to cope effectively with the stress. A person that is undergoing an anxiety attack often experiences a feeling of numbness or tingling, shortness of breath, dizziness, heightened palpitations, chronic sweating, chills, hot flushes, and nausea.

Extreme levels of anxiety can produce serious ill effects on one’s physical and mental health. Anxieties can actually a hinder or adversely affect a person’s the day-to-day activities. Aside from the possibility of leaving a person emotionally depressed and physically weak, anxiety can also cause a person lose the ability to make a rational decision. It is not uncommon to hear of cases of people with severe anxiety who have lost their jobs and failed in their relationships. For these people who have become victims of anxiety attacks, life has become a mere matter of survival — bereft of happiness, fulfillment, and health.

Some people can cope with depression and anxiety. But for a significant number of people who do not have the ability to cope with stress and anxiety, the only means to regain their life is to undergo therapy and, if necessary, take anxiety medications. These anxiety medications, if accompanied by therapy conducted by professionals, offer relief and possibly permanent protection from the debilitating effects of stress and severe emotional distress. Anxiety medications often vary in the dosage and desired effects. However, what is common among these anti-anxiety medications is the ability of these drugs to suppress unnecessary chemical and emotional surges. Controlling these chemical and emotional surges allow a person with anxiety to regain a sense of peace and tranquility.

Anxiety medications, also known as anxiolytics, are prescribed to treat the different symptoms of anxiety. For example, Bensodiazepines are prescribed to treat the short-term and disabling effects of anxiety. These drugs are take effect in a person’s central nervous system, which is the reason why a certain degree of sedation occurs in a patient using the medication.
Non-bensodiazepines, however, are used to control the serotonin level in the body. Serotonin is essential to the body for regulating anger, temperature, mood, sleep, vomiting, sexuality, and appetite. Though they are proven to be less effective than bensodiazepines, the serotonin-regulating effect of this type of anti-anxiety drug also helps a person to achieve a relaxed state.

While these medications offer relief, people must still practice a little caution before taking these anti-anxiety drugs. These drugs cannot totally remove all symptoms of anxiety. Of course, these medications cannot resolve an emotional or psychological problem that is actually the origin or source of a person’s anxiety attacks.


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