Anxiety Treatment Without Medication

Anxiety Treatment Without Medication: Is it Possible?

Anxiety disorders are incredibly common, affecting 40 million adults in the United States alone. But there’s a key factor in overcoming anxiety disorders that many people overlook: treatment without medication, also known as therapy and lifestyle changes. Many studies have found that these alternative treatments can be just as effective as medications, and they don’t come with the side effects of prescription drugs like drowsiness, blurred vision, or nausea. So how can you achieve anxiety treatment without medication? Read on to find out more!

Write out your triggers

One of your first steps in anxiety treatment without medication is to identify what triggers your anxiety episodes. If you can’t figure out exactly why you feel anxious when you feel anxious, it’s hard to know how to stop those feelings from taking over. Start by writing out a list of all your triggers. Common culprits include job stress, arguments with friends or family members, and financial problems (which can be especially terrifying if they’re not temporary). When we are able to pinpoint our triggers, it’s easier for us to see them coming and take appropriate action before an anxiety episode hits.

Set up a distraction board

Anxiety disorders can get pretty serious, so if you’re dealing with panic attacks or obsessive thoughts, you might find it helpful to see a therapist. If you can’t afford therapy, don’t worry—anxiety treatment without medication is available. First and foremost, look for distractions. Set up a distraction board in your room with objects and activities that will capture your attention if anxiety begins to creep in. Print out images of relaxing environments or animal photos (cats are a great distraction!) and post them around your room as visual reminders that everything is going to be okay. You could also try reading an interesting book or listening to music—anything that will help take your mind off whatever is worrying you.

Observe your stress levels throughout the day

If you think you might be suffering from stress, take a few minutes throughout your day to jot down what’s on your mind. At night, review what you’ve written and ask yourself if any of those things might be causing undue anxiety. Then, consider taking steps to tackle those sources head-on by spending more time with loved ones or going for a walk outside. If you’re feeling particularly stressed about something in particular, make an appointment with a therapist or counselor. At worst, they’ll confirm that your concerns are unfounded; at best, they can help alleviate some of your anxiety by providing guidance and advice.

Take deep breaths

Anxiety makes us feel like our heart is pounding in our chest, or that we can’t catch our breath. Deep breathing helps to bring oxygen into your body and calm you down. It’s a simple and effective way to fight anxiety symptoms as they come on, since many of them are caused by oxygen deficiency in your bloodstream. Next time you feel short of breath or your heart rate rising, try taking three deep breaths through your nose, holding each one for several seconds while trying to relax all of your muscles. If you don’t have time for deep breathing exercises (you’re driving or have kids), try doing fast but controlled exhales through pursed lips—it should help you feel better almost instantly.

Listen to music that calms you down

Music affects our moods and is known to trigger emotions. Listening to calming music will often induce a meditative state of mind. Music therapy has been used as a treatment for anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). One study showed that listening to music reduced anxious feelings in healthy adults more than relaxing pictures did. Another study demonstrated that those who underwent surgery reported lower levels of preoperative stress when they listened to their preferred music versus listening to white noise or nothing at all.  Here’s a free audio sample of stress relief sounds to help you through.

Go for a walk

Exercise is a great way to beat anxiety symptoms, but not everyone has time for a gym membership or daily workouts. Fortunately, exercise doesn’t need to mean hardcore cardio or killer circuit training. Instead, try spending 20 minutes a day going on a walk. Whether it’s around your neighborhood or just down one floor in your office building, you can do 20 minutes of walking for anxiety relief. Plus, you don’t have to worry about finding time for working out—you just have to fit it into your schedule and show up! If you feel anxious at certain times of day (like before meetings), set an alarm on your phone so that you have no excuse not to go outside and take a walk when that time comes around.

Learn how to meditate

Meditation is not just for monks and hippies. A wealth of scientific studies show meditation to be effective in dealing with anxiety, stress, depression, and chronic pain. Studies have shown that during meditation people produce more alpha brain waves which promotes a relaxed state of mind and body. Meditation calms your nervous system down so that you are less likely to feel anxious and stressed out. Meditation teaches you how to become your own best friend; you’ll have no reason to rely on anti-anxiety medication when you can naturally develop a sense of calmness by meditating on a regular basis.

In conclusion, yes, it is possible to treat anxiety without medication. Some of the tips above will help you gain control and with that control, you can fight your anxiety. Remember, you are in charge, not anxiety.


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